The FTG scarifier is an economical and environmentally friendly tool. We have taken advantage of old and proven knowledge that today is called site adaptation. This means that forestry is adapted to the local needs and climate. The scarifier works intermittently, i.e. it locks the digging wheel, pulls the demolished peat with it, releases and digs again at the next planting area.

More information about Scarifier FTG MB4B

Product info

The FTG MB4B scarifier is mounted on the tractor’s three-point hitch. It is articulated to follow the terrain up and down, also when turning.

The scarifier has a digging wheel that is locked in place with a locking bar controlled by a time relay. The timer controls how long you want the patches to be and how far apart you want the patches to be. An overflow valve means that if the excavator wheel should grab a stump or stone, the wheel releases automatically and rolls over.

MB4B has a weight box if you want extra load on the ­scarifier, but usually it’s sufficient with its own weight.

The brake sled with locking bar can be reversed to change the angle of the digging wheel. In one direction you get a slightly steeper angle into the ground and ­greater digging depth. If you turn the brake sled, the angle and digging depth are smaller.

With FTG scarifiers, you get more gentle soil cultivation than with, for example, a harrow, which often leaves deep furrows and overturns stones and stumps. MB4B works ­regardless of whether you intend to self-seed from seed pines or whether you intend to plant.

The advantage of tractor-mounted scarifiers is that you can customize the scarification to the ground without ­destroying it. For the self-employed forest owner, this is the most environmentally friendly way of scarifying, and it will give your forest seedlings the optimal start. It is the tool for the self-employed forest owner with a tractor who needs to prepare the ground for planting.

Technical info

Scarifier MB4B
Length (mm): 2200
Width (mm): 880
Working width (mm): 510
Swivelling angle: ± 25°
Weight (kg): 440
Frame (mm): 120×120